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AsperSAN 10 Capsules

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AsperSAN (Aspergillus niger) — metabolic dysregulation, soft tissue & lymphatic conditions, latent tuberculosis (Available as 4X drops, 4X capsules and 3X suppositories)

All San Pharma and Pekana remedies require a consultation with Nutripath Stephen Heuer before you can purchase them. This mini consult is free. Please call 1-888-988-3325 to schedule your consult.


Please call 864-895-6250 to schedule a remote (phone) consultation. OR email us at with a Subject "Consultation". Describe your health symptoms and when the symptoms began.Include your contact information (email and phone number) so we can reach you.



Master remedy of metabolic dysregulation and the tuberculin miasm.


This remedy contains metabolic products derived from Aspergillus niger.AsperSAN gets to the root of metabolic dysregulation and makes deep-acting corrections. It is sometimes referred to as the master remedy of the tubercular miasm. This is a rather ambitious statement, because the tuberculin miasm encompasses virtually all metabolic disease. Under the umbrella of the tubercular miasm are not only tuberculosis, but all classical sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, cancer, and most forms of arthritis.

Classical German biological medical doctrine considers AsperSAN and MucorSAN to be the two most important fungal remedies. AsperSAN is thought of for any metabolic disorder and MucorSAN for any congestive disorder. While neither of these remedies is typically the first one used in a case (because preparation is done with Penicillium remedies), one or the other or both are typically used in any chronic or complex illness.While AsperSAN will not solve complex metabolic dysregulation disorders as a monotherapy, it tends to always be a key part of the protocol in these disorders. Every metabolic disorder seems to require AsperSAN at some point during the therapy for the patient’s program to be effective.The main limitation on the power of AsperSAN to heal is not the remedy itself but the cleverness with which you can time giving the remedy as well as combining it with other medicines. Usually AsperSAN is given along with other sanPharma remedies. The deepest effects are from combining AsperSAN with QuentaSAN and MycobaSAN capsules. This is the combination used for deep regulation of the physiology of the GALT, bone marrow, and spleen.

Combines well with:

MycobaSAN and QuentaSAN. This is by far the most important combination involving AsperSAN. This combination, usually used as one capsule of each remedy taken 3 times per week, is the key to deep regulation of the GALT, bone marrow, and spleen. Using this combination usually requires first preparing the patient with Penicillium remedies for at least one month.MucorSAN. MucorSAN and AsperSAN capsules taken on alternate days will help combined metabolic/congestive disorders of the liver, and can also be an important step in the management of an intestinal dysbiosis.Medications Guide Page 151NotaSAN. Alternating either capsules or suppositories of NotaSAN and AsperSAN will greatly benefit the innate immunity. Combining or alternating capsules of CandidaSAN and AsperSAN will greatly benefit adaptive immunity, especially issues involving the function of lymphocytes. This can help favorably shift the ratio of TH1:TH2 subset activity. This combination is supported by the use of mushroom products, as well as supplements containing Laktoferrin and Colostrum.