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Welcome To Synergistic Nutrition - Operated by Nutripath, Stephen Heuer
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MycobaSAN 10 Capsules

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General immune system adaptogen, with focus towards lungs, MALT, and bone marrow.All tubercular and paratubercular conditions. This includes virtually all metabolic disorders.Antiviral.

All San Pharma and Pekana remedies require a consultation with Nutripath Stephen Heuer before you can purchase them. This mini consult is free. Please call 1-888-988-3325 to schedule your consult.


Please call 864-895-6250 to schedule a remote (phone) consultation. OR email us at with a Subject "Consultation". Describe your health symptoms and when the symptoms began.Include your contact information (email and phone number) so we can reach you.


MYCOBASAN (Mycobactin S)


General immune system adaptogen, with focus towards lungs, MALT, and bone marrow.All tubercular and paratubercular conditions. This includes virtually all metabolic disorders.Antiviral.


This remedy is made from metabolites derived from Mycobacterium phlei.
It is typical to use this as the second bacterial remedy after SubtiSAN. After SubtiSAN has been used successfully and tolerated for about 4 weeks, begin adding a capsule of MycobaSAN weekly, and titrate the dose up to 3 capsules per week.
In some cases, MycobaSAN is the first remedy used, instead of SubtiSAN. This is more common in chronic lung conditions to regulate the mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), which includes the GALT, and for bone marrow regulation.

Combines well with:

This remedy has a very special relationship with AsperSAN. Combining these 2 remedies can go straight to the root of metabolic dysregulation at the deepest levels, such as in bone marrow. The combination also exerts a profound effect in chronic inflammations and infection tendencies of the lungs and bronchi. We believe that this combination is one of the necessary tools for reaching the roots of the cancer miasm. It will not cure cancer, but it makes significant beneficial modifications in the biological terrain of patients who have cancer or a history of cancer. Usually the AsperSAN/MycobaSAN combination is given with QuentaSAN. One capsule of each is taken together 3 times per week.