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Synergistic Nutrition

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Welcome To Synergistic Nutrition - Operated by Nutripath, Stephen Heuer
For Expert Guidance On Your Health Or Education On Supplements, Or To Place An Order Call 864-895-6250
Synergistic Nutrition Is A Private Association Membership (A Legal Structure Designed To Protect Our Rights To Privacy And Free
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Pekana apo-STOM 50 ml drops

In stock

All San Pharma and Pekana remedies require a consultation with Nutripath Stephen Heuer before you can purchase them. This mini consult is free. Please call 1-888-988-3325 to schedule your consult.


Please call 864-895-6250 or email us at to obtain the passcode needed to order these Pekana products. Describe your health symptoms and when the symptoms began.Include your contact information (email and phone number) so we can reach you.



Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:

Antimonium crudum 8X
Atropa belladonna 4X
Citrullus colocynthis 4X
Colchicum autumnale 6X
Natrium phosphoricum 4X
Nux vomica 4X
Robinia pseudacacia 6X
Achillea Millefolium MT

Irritation of gastrointestinal tract.

Biliary disharmony.

Harmonizes the functions of multiple-remedy combinations, making them work together better.

Reduces the aggressiveness of the provocation of excretion induced by other remedies, so can be used to make other remedy combinations more gentle and tolerable.